Location: Pamplona

Client: I.E.S. Navarro Villoslada

Date: 2022

Type: Strategy

Program: Transformation and energy transition of an educational center.

Area: 2 ha area, existing building 10.000 m2.

Team: Alexandra Delgado, Miriam Gárate.

Phase: Delivered

Acknowledgements: IES Navarro Villoslada Team: Gabriel Rubio Navarro, Director of the IES; Patricia Rivas, Vice-Director of the IES; Iván Catalina, Secretary of the IES: Iosu Orozko, Head of Studies of the IES; Marimar Echeverría, Head of Studies of the IES; Raquel Marquínez, Head of Studies of the IES.

This document was created with the aim of showing a wide range of possibilities for improving the sustainability of the Navarro Villoslada Secondary School (IES) located in the city of Pamplona, Navarra.

It is a five-year sustainability strategy, 2023-2028, through objectives of ecological transition, spatial transformation of the center and educational innovation in sustainability. It is a schematic and visual document and includes an ambitious strategy of actions.

It should therefore be considered as an inventory of proposals of various kinds that improve climatic and environmental conditions, as well as the quality of the built environment and in the educational sphere. The main objective is to take advantage of natural resources such as the sun and water, understanding the economic advantages they represent in the medium and long term and always taking advantage of the previous characteristics of the Institute and its opportunities.

Throughout the document it is understood that the infrastructure of the Institute is not merely a functional spatial framework but has educational capacity in its own right. The creation of a conscious environment will necessarily foster a positive sustainability impact on students, teachers and service staff, the educational community, and even more so if the possibilities of bringing together intervention and education are contemplated.

The ultimate intention is to position the IES Navarro Villoslada in a pioneering space of innovation, turning it into an educational center that can become a reference center for the neighborhood, and depending on the possibilities of intervention that can be developed, also in larger scale areas.

You can read the published article of this project in Planur-e.

Alexandra Delgado