Publicaciones en Madrid
Calculator for the carbon footprint of Madrid's urban plans

Alexandra Delgado, professor of Urban Planning and principal researcher of the Nebrija Research Group Architecture and Urban Planning in the Face of Social, Economic and Territorial Transformations (At-the-oUTSET), explained the carbon footprint calculator developed by Nebrija University for urban planning in the Community of Madrid. This "scientific and measurable planning" tool can help in decision-making in the construction of new neighbourhoods or urban fabrics "that must respect the needs of people and the diversity of ecosystems".

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Alexandra Delgado publishes a new article in the "Revista Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales (CyTET)"

Professor Alexandra Delgado, principal researcher of the Research Group Architecture and Urban Planning before Social, Economic and Territorial Transformations (At-the-oUTSET), has published a new article in volume 53, number 208, 2021, in the Journal Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales (CyTET), one of the most prestigious journals in our country in Urban Planning.

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New sustainable and useful urban uses for the Delicias area

The practical application in real cases of the theoretical concepts acquired in the classroom is part of the DNA of Nebrija University, which has the learning by doing methodology as its flagship. An example of this is the latest project carried out in the Advanced Urban Planning Workshop of the Master's Degree in Architecture. The students of this subject have carried out a research and analysis of the areas of opportunity or vacant spaces in the area of Delicias, in Madrid, to make urban design proposals and to be able to give a new use to these spaces that is more useful for society.

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Interview with Alexandra Delgado Jiménez: "Redesigning cities to reduce environmental impact would improve the quality of life"

The coronavirus has halted what seemed like a collective awareness to achieve the longed-for ecological transition, but it is time to resume this unpostponable debate. The priority for action and change is the metropolitan areas that have emerged from uncontrolled urban expansion, whose design is irregular and dispersed. Redesigning cities to reduce their environmental impact is imperative in our time, which is becoming increasingly scarce.

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How do we redesign the cities that have emerged from the real estate boom?

Metropolitan areas are currently undergoing a process of transformation. Their rapid development in recent decades has not always been planned. This results in alarming figures in terms of low density, isolated growth and speed of transformation.

It is necessary to respond to climate change with energy and environmental planning. This requires a revision of current urban planning to include sustainability criteria. Especially when we are going to live in an increasingly urban world.

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