Location: Pamplona

Client: Pamplona Urban Planning Department

Date: 2023

Type: Tender

Program: Urban Transformation

Surface area: 72 ha

Team: Alexandra Delgado, director; Héctor Nagore and Luis Irisarri, Nagore Abogados y Asociados; Marina Ambrosio; Ignacio Aracil, Argón Consultores; Paloma Sánchez, Prodirgest; Guillermo Maldonado and Elena Fernández, Tema Consultores; Silvia Barbarin and Esther Villamor, Arkileku; Miriam Gárate, Carlos Balaguer

Collaborators: Luis de Frutos

Phase: Competition

The ambition is to turn Donapea into a neighborhood open to nature and connected to the city.

The design of the new residential neighborhood with a mix of uses is based on the principle of building the city from the public space.

On the macro scale, this involves various objectives such as improving the relationship with areas of environmental interest through integration in its design or maximizing the existing infrastructure for connection with the city, to avoid fragmentation of ecosystems with new layouts.

At the micro scale, the challenges focus on creating urban typologies open to nature and with a bioclimatic orientation, so that the urban environment integrates nature at all scales of design (streets with nature strips, private gardens, public gardens, central park and ring parks). The proposal diversifies the typologies of protected and free housing, multi-family and single-family, allowing for a mix of incomes and household types, favoring housing for young and old.

The layout of the residential buildings with a gradient from higher to lower height from north to south encourages the relationship with the landscape, its visuals and the natural topography of the area. The heights vary from 16 floors to 3 floors, in a variable range, complying in all cases with aeronautical restrictions.

It includes a commercial area in the vicinity of PA-31 and Avenida de Andalucía, and includes tertiary parts in the interior of the residential neighborhood, as well as incorporating commercial and community premises on the first floor.

Alexandra Delgado