Presentation of the book Transición energética y construcción social del territorio ante el reto del cambio climático y el nuevo marco geopolítico

On November 30, at the Nebrija Polytechnic, will be presented Transición energética y construcción social del territorio ante el reto del cambio climático y el nuevo marco geopolítico. A work edited by Alexandra Delgado-Jiménez, director of AD Arquitectura Urbana, together with Joaquín Farídos Dasí and Roberto Álvarez Fernández.

The book focuses on the deployment of renewable energies and the new relationship it entails between society, the economy and the environment and its effects on each territory.

Its objective is to offer an integrated perspective of this energy transition, with different perspectives that integrate people into the equation, from theoretical and empirical perspectives and through innovative methods.

The presentation will take place in the assembly hall of the Madrid Princesa campus and can also be followed online; free prior registration is required to attend in person or obtain the link to the broadcast.

Alexandra Delgado